C & C Environmental Pest Control Group offers a complete range of exterior pest control, fertilization, landscape installation, landscape enhancement, and landscape maintenance services. We offer these services individually or in combination with each other. Since the services we offer work together, we do recommend clients use our services for all of their environmental needs. This will help us ensure their property is maintained in peak conditions at all times. In addition, using all of our services for your property's needs allow us to give you better pricing.

C & C Environmental Group Landscape Installation


landscape installation

Are you looking to install new landscaping or replace existing landscaping? The professionals at C & C Environmental Pest Control Group have the knowledge and experience to assist you with any landscape installation project.

It is important to ensure that you are planting the best plant materials in the best locations to ensure that your landscaping thrives. Therefore the experts at C & C consider factors such as soil type, sun exposure, watering schedules, and any other necessary factors when creating a landscape design.

After working with you to determine the best landscape materials & placement we will prepare a FREE estimate for your review and approval. Once you are ready our professional supervisors will obtain the materials and oversee their installation to ensure that each plant is installed properly and the installation conforms to the plan agreed upon.

Our landsape installation services include but are not limited too:

  • New Plant Materials
  • Privacy Hedges
  • Pool Plantings
  • Sod Installations
  • Tree Installations
  • Perennial Installations
  • Annual Installations

We warranty plants for 90 days excluding damage and/or plant loss that results from factors outside of our control. Specific details regarding warranties can be obtained through our office.